I teach 3rd grade. We study the basic concepts on magnets. We do not get into the electric part of magenta and motors. There is an activity that I always do the first day of the unit. I give each child a bag of different objects. They first have to write what they think the word magnet means.Then they have to predict if they think the object will attract to a magnet. After they have made their predictions.I give them a magnet and they test their objects to see if their predictions were correct or not.
They love the hands on activities with magnets. We also take the iron filing and spread them out. Then I take a piece of paper and lay over them. Then we take a magnet and move over the paper. The students are amazed at the way the iron filings react.Then, I bring out a Magna Doodle or Etch A Sketch and let the students play with them. Then after a few minutes they discover that those "toys" are line the iron filings and magnet. They love this activity as well.
Haven't thought of using magnadoodle or etch a sketch. Great idea!